Sunday, June 3, 2012

2012 Garden Season Begins

Clearly this is NOT a good weekend for gardening.  It is a good weekend for catching up on things like my first blog entry for the season.  

There has been a lot of work to prep the gardens for planting at Twinbrook.  The fence is up and the garden has been rototilled and amended with compost.  This year, the back of the garden will include a children's section and the donation garden.  The front includes about a dozen 3 x 33 rental lots that residents have taken on for the season.  There may be a few rental lots left.  Get in touch with Karyn if you are interested.

Luckily Friday was a fabulous day to garden, so Karyn, Kathryn and I planted potatoes, sweet potatoes and a few tomato plants in the donation garden.  Clearly, we will not need to water any time soon.

Last year, we donated over 1200 pounds of produce to area food pantries.  We are aiming for 3,000 pounds this year.  Of course there are plenty of things that we can't control -- like the weather. 

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